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Writer's pictureDr. Taylor Flythe

3 Facts You Don't Want to Miss

What does getting healthy look like to you? Is it shedding some unwanted weight, getting bigger, faster and stronger, or do you actually care about what's going on internally in your body?

Here's the facts. In my experience, patients or just people in general tell me things like, "I'm starting this diet or that diet, I'm going to the gym, I'm starting to walk or run, etc." Rarely do I encounter people who truly have a grasp on getting healthy and what that actually means and most never succeed with their diets or fitness programs for three reasons:

  1. They just hop into something whether it be a diet, exercise program, or both coupled together without a strategy put into place or they haven't done a deep dive into the reasoning behind their new desired change. Real goals have not been set.

  2. They are bombarded by self-proclaimed "health influencers/experts" and gimmicky sales tactics that provide conflicting information and that can't take an individual's unique situation into consideration.

  3. They take an easy way out by using Ozempic, Mounjaro, and other similar drugs.

Most people fail before they start. Sure, you may lose weight on a quick crash diet and extreme exercise plan crafted for someone that's entirely above your current physical prowess. You may successfully lose weight and maintain your new physique while you spend the rest of your life on an expensive medical maintenance program. But are these truly the answers you are looking for? Is this the idea of health that you have? I'll tell you that these things are quick fix but will not help you preserve or prolong your health and lifespan.

If you identify with any or all of these points, it's important to understand that the situation is not your fault. The abundance of conflicting information online can be overwhelming, and surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), many American health institutions may not prioritize your genuine well-being.

Let's define health in a unique manner. Health is prolonging your quality of life for as long as possible during your lifespan. It's being able to move without pain, play with your kids or grandchildren, not being burdened by diseases that could be mostly avoided (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) and doing the things you love to do on a daily basis with the people you love the most for as long throughout your life as possible.

There is a way to achieve this and there are experts out there that use tactics and strategies that are backed by science and years of research. I would love to help you redefine health, teach you how to set real goals, effectively crush them day after day, and gain freedom from being burdened by what society calls "normal aging".

Give us a call at 205-982-6880 and let me guide you on a very achievable and more healthy life.

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